Private family looking to hire a housekeeper/cook on Upper West Side, New York.
The Ideal Candidate: Working parents need assistance with keeping their home tidy and their family fed! They would love someone who can go food shopping, cook healthy dinners, prepare healthy snacks for older boys (turning 10 and 12) . A typical day would include coming to their home in the afternoon to tidy up, do the children's laundry, and cook dinners. IF this person has experience doing deep cleaning- the family would add on more hours and hourly pay would increase.
What Works Best for Family: Someone who is proactive to find things to do around the house, a good cook and organized cleaner. This person must enjoy being around pre teen boys.
Dogs: 1 1 year old golden retriever/cocker spaniel
Current Staff: housekeeper comes 1 time per week to deep clean
Home SQFT: 2,500