A private family located in Manhasset, Long Island is seeking an experienced Nanny to join their team. The Nanny would be working alongside a set of Rotational Nannies as their 3rd Nanny. The family will be moving to NYC in the summer.
The Ideal Candidate: A native Spanish speaker that has several years of experience in Nannying. This person will have had worked long-term for families and can provide a reference for those positions. Someone flexible and adaptable and has worked in a staffed home and understands the team environment. Someone with strong planning, organizational and multitasking skills with minimal supervision. An individual that is knowledgeable and proactive in understanding developmental stages and teaching children.
What Works Best for Family: Someone who is able to commit to a Thursday - Sunday OR Friday - Monday schedule. It would be great if there is flexibility with these days incase the family is traveling. Hours are 9am - 8pm or 10am - 8pm.
Requested Duration: Long Term
Adults: 2
Children: 3
Current Staff: Rotational Nannies & Housekeeper